Days out diary - child friendly and family activities

Family days out UK holidays Family days out Wookey Hole Cave Family days out Thomas land and children railways Family days out Swing ride at The Big Sheep Family days out Baby Elephant at Twycross Zoo Family days out zoos Family days out childrens farm

Christmas message 2011

Ever since I first started my blog back in 2005 I have created a Christmas message and made a donation to a worthwhile cause. A reminder that whilst it's great to receive at Christmas it's also a time to give; not just to give to those from whom you expect a present in return, but to give a gift to make someone else's life a little better.

So in keeping with that tradition I've chosen Barnardo's as the charity this year. Barnardo's do a lot of great work helping vulnerable children; the one thing that made me chose it this year is the support that they give to young carers. These are children (average age of 12 years old) who miss out on many of the things that children take for granted as they are caring for another member of the family. Just a small donation can help make a difference, perhaps giving a child a day or even just a few hours in which they can be a child again. Find out more about Barnardo's work with Young Carers.

I have only given a modest donation, but if everyone else made a small donation to a charity of their choice that could make a large difference to peoples lives. Donate to Barnardo's here.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Christmas picture 2011