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Christmas Markets and Fairs

We are ahead of the game for Christmas this year having already purchased almost all the presents we need for Christmas. The one thing we do still need to visit is a Christmas Fair, and we will probably visit at least two. They provide a great opportunity to buy some unique gifts and can be enjoyable, especially if there is good weather.

This year we plan to go to the Stratford-Upon-Avon Late night shopping and market and also the

Frankfurt (German) Christmas Market in Birmingham Town Centre. The Stratford-Upon-Avon market is good for some craft type gifts, as well as the usual mass produced goods, and is famous for the hog roast from a whole pig that is cooked in the street. The German market has some unusual wooden toys, and some nice cakes and sweets, as well as being able to buy hot sausages and beer to enjoy whilst you are shopping (beer is to be consumed within a specific area around a temporary bar).

I've also in the past visited the Leeds German Christmas Market, and the

Lincoln Christmas Market.

The Leeds German Christmas Market is similar to the Frankfurt Market held in Birmingham. The Lincoln Christmas Market is a major event covering much of the town around the Cathedral and the Castle.

If you haven't been to a Christmas market before then you may like to find out what's available and pay one a visit. If you don't have your own transport check with a local coach company who often put on special trips to various places.

See: Days Out Diary Christmas page for and recent list of dates for Christmas Markets.