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Techni-ice revisited

This is a follow-up to my earlier review of Techni-Ice: Great for keeping baby bottles cold. We bought the techni-ice when I saw it on sale at National Boat Caravan and Outdoor Show at the NEC in 2005. We didn't start using it until our first baby was born, but found it ideal for keeping babies bottles cold. It is the only thing I've found, without requiring power that can actually keep the bottle "fridge cold".

We kept the original ones for 2 years, but then eventually threw them away. They still worked, but they had got dirty over time, and although did clean well, we decided to get some new ones when we had our newest edition.

These are expensive, you can buy a cheap cool block for about a pound, whereas these are about £10 for 3 sheets. These are however an equivalent of far more than than a few of the cheaper products, and well worth the money.

You can buy them online at:

We've now also bought a Fisher Price Bottle Warming (Vacuum) Flask. This includes a flask and a container to warm the bottle up in. This means that we can be self-sufficient and still provide warm bottled milk to our baby.