Days out diary - child friendly and family activities

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Chicco - missing manuals

A word of warning for anyone looking at buying a Chicco product, make sure you get an instruction manual and do not lose it. We bought a Chicco car seat some time ago, and have only just got around to fitting it in the car (waiting for our baby to be big enough). We could not find the instruction manual so I tried to download it. Unless you speak Italian you are out of luck. The UK website is just a complete waste of bandwidth with nothing useful on it.

The other major baby car seat manufacturers including Britax and Graco allow you to download the guides from their websites.

Fortunately I managed to figure out the car seat using the images on the seat. It took me some time to work it out and I've got a masters degree in engineering, so I suspect others may not be able to work it out at all.

In addition I'm not really impressed with the chair. It's difficult to adjust and not as good as some of the other chairs. We have a Britax chair that is much better, and the Graco travel system is easier (although this is for a younger age group).

I know in future I won't be buying Chicco, instead I'll stick with a brand with better customer support available on their website.