Days out diary - child friendly and family activities

Family days out Disneyland Paris, France Family days out camping holidays with young children Family days out London area Family days out Legoland Windosor Family days out Baby Elephant at Twycross Zoo Family days out childrens farm Family days out Thomas land and children railways

Fire Safety at Christmas

New fire safety campaign by Hereford and Worcester fire service highlights the risks of overloaded sockets and Christmas trees. It includes a video created by the fire service showing what damage could be done.

Christmas Fire Safety Video

Don't let fire spoil your Christmas.

Here are the 12 days rules of Christmas.

  1. Never leave candles unattended
  2. Always have an escape plan
  3. Keep decorations away from heat
  4. Never overload electrical sockets
  5. Excess alcohol and cooking don't mix
  6. Ensure Christmas lights match British Standards
  7. Never leave cooking unattended
  8. Always follow the firework code
  9. Test your smoke alarms every week
  10. Keep lighters and matches away from children
  11. Ensure smoking materials are fully extinguished
  12. Look out for elderly/vulnerable relatives this Christmas