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Dieting on holiday

I have lost a further 8 lbs this week, although part of this may really be credit for the week before, as I had to weigh myself earlier in the previous week than I normally would due to my holiday.

This brings up a total of 2 stone of weight lost so far since starting the alli diet.

Despite the good result this has been a very hard week. It was even harder than last week eating out on expenses whilst on a diet. One of the reasons for this is that I was out with my family who are not on a diet and so had to take them into consideration. I also find it particularly hard because of the association of food (such as fish and chips, and ice cream) with a trip to the seaside.

To help with the diet we had picnics more than we normally would (which the kids loved) and I was careful to choose meals that were healthier on the menus. For example one fish and chip restaurant we went in had salad on the menu, and I had a jacket potato with beans. We had one meal when we arrived at the camp-site, with little food and after the shop had closed; there was only the fast food takeaway still open. I had fish which I removed the batter and had that in a sandwich (I did eat a little of the batter - but only a small taste).

Avoiding ice creams wasn't too difficult. We only had a couple of days when there was lots of sun where we would normally have had ice creams, on one of those we were busy and so didn't stop to think about having an ice cream, and on the other I had an ice lolly with 0 fat and about 70 Kcals.

Although my usual exercise was disrupted and swimming in the pool was not as energetic as usual due to looking after the kids I still got plenty of exercise, including a swim in the sea, walks with my son (toddler) on my back and lots of general exercise from being out and about.

In the past a holiday has been one of the "put the diet on hold" times, so I'm pleased that I've been able to stick (quite well) to the diet this holiday and I'm still on track to reach my goals.

More Information on my diet progress

I'm tweeting my progress on my personal twitter account (@stewartwatkiss) or you can follow the @firstaidquiz tweets relating to first aid and health topics.

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