Days out diary - child friendly and family activities

Family days out camping holidays with young children Family days out Legoland Windosor Family days out children friendly narrow guage railways Family days out Magna Science and Technology Centre Family days out butterfly farm Family days out Baby Elephant at Twycross Zoo Family days out Thomas land and children railways

If travelling in Europe don't forget to check the date on your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

The EHIC replaced the old E111 forms and provides entitlement to reduced cost / free emergency medical treatment whilst temporarily visiting a European Union (EU) country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.

It is available for free to most UK nationals (see website for actual details).

The EHIC does not replace the need for travel insurance as it has limitations and wouldn't cover any repatriation costs etc., but should be taken when travelling in Europe.

If you applied for the new EHIC when it first replaced the E-111 then it has been over 5 years and your EHIC will need to be renewed. Also don't forget to add any new children that have been born since.

To make renewing easier you may also want to add all your dependants on the renewal even if their card is not due to expire. We included our two year old son despite having 3 years left on his card as otherwise his would expire before ours.

To apply fill in the form from the following link and then cards are sent through the post. You should apply a few weeks before you are due to travel to make sure that it arrives in time.

European Health Insurance Card

Travelling in Europe

See the following European holiday reviews: