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Today I joined the British Bone Marrow Registry, so that if required I could become a Bone Marrow donor (or donate stem cells).

Joining was very straight forward. In fact so simple I'm surprised they don't ask people when they donate blood.

Basically I went along to my usual blood donor session, where I filled out a short form. Name, address, date of birth and that was about it. Then during my normal blood donation they filled an extra test-tube when creating the usual ones. So it added no more time on except for writing out my name and address, and didn't involve any extra needles or anything else.

If I'm ever called on to be a bone marrow donor then that is a bit more involved, including some extra tests and either a general anaesthetic or being plugged into something similar to a dialysis machine, but that would be in the knowledge that it is going to make a significant difference to someone's life.

To find out more visit National Blood Service - The British Bone Marrow Registry or phone 0845 7 711 711.