Days out diary - child friendly and family activities

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28 June to 2 July 2010 is First Aid Awareness Week. The campaign is being run by Dorling Kindersley (publisher of the First Aid Manual) along with the UK's leading First Aid providers - St John Ambulance, St Andrew's First Aid and the British Red Cross.

It's a great opportunity to think about what first aid knowledge and equipment you have in your home or workplace and whether you are prepared should the need arise.

Here are a few things that you could do to help prepare your family in case first aid is required:First Aid kit

  • New to first aid (or more than 3 years since a course)? Sign-up for first aid training.
  • First aid training less than 3 years ago? Consider a refresher course
  • Make sure you have a recent edition of the First Aid Manual (9th edition) and have a read through
  • Try the quiz and games on
  • Give your family and children an awareness of basic First Aid
  • Check your first aid kit is complete and in-date
  • Get a car / holiday first aid kit for when travelling
  • Check for any hazards around the home to reduce the need for first aid
  • Volunteer with St John Ambulance to get real hands on experience

Learning first aid could help save a life! Don't leave it until it's too late!

What are you doing for First Aid Awareness Week?

Let everyone know if you are doing anything for First Aid Awareness Week by leaving a comment below. It could be as simple as buying new plasters for your first aid kit, or you could be involved in a national publicity scheme - I'd be interested in finding out more.