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Everyday first aid certificate from the red cross

The Red Cross have created a new web based introduction to first aid. It's called everyday first aid and as you can probably guess is designed for teaching some first aid that may be needed as part of your normal daily life, ranging from dealing with a sprain to performing compressions on someone that is not breathing.

These are presented as a series of videos covering the different scenarios. These are quite realistic which can be a little disturbing, but it's far better to see a slightly unpleasant video and be prepared than have to deal with the real situation without knowing how to deal with it.

At the end there is a simple quiz to see how much you've been paying attention, with a basic certificate afterwards.

This is not a substitution to attending a proper first aid course, but is good as a basic introduction to first aid which can be used alongside the First Aid Manual when dealing with family emergencies.

Well worth spending some time on to learn some simple life-saving first aid.

First Aid Quiz

There are some more other quizzes and games on the First Aid Quiz website.