Electronics and Raspberry Pi Halloween Projects
23 October 2016
These are some of the Halloween Projects I've created.
Haunted House
A scary haunted house, using a Raspberry Pi, home automation, electronics and scary music.
Halloween Trick or Treat Trolley
Pimp up a Halloween Trick or Treat Trolley with this project based around a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, an Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect and lots of NeoPixels.
Halloween Trick or Treat trolley with PiZero2W and Arduino RP2040
Halloween Raspberry Pi RGB Matrix Display
Outdoor Halloween animation video on a Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi MotionSensor Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin
My son's Motion Sensor based Light Up Pumpkin project
Halloween Motion Sensor Pumpkin
Coloured light-up pumpkins
Wizard of Oz Costume
A Wizard of Oz Costume with light-up bow tie.
Wizard of Oz costume using wearable electronics and a Pi Zero
Scary Pi-ano
A Makey Makey based touch Piano, programmed in Scratch.
Halloween Scary Pi-ano - musical piano with Makey Makey
Indoor Halloween Haunting
A motion sensor based flashing light sequence.