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Autumn craft picture 2009

I've created a new craft picture with lots of help from Amelia.

Autumn Craft Picture - kids crafts

We've created a new one for each season. This one has been the cheapest as most of the materials were available for free. The leaves, twigs etc. have all come from either local parks or from our back garden (including acorns from Redditch, conkers from Cannon Hill Park and some leaves from Drayton Manor). The rest of the materials I'd already bought as part of the previous pictures that we'd made (including blue paper from the Christmas picture and green paper from the Spring picture). Amelia really enjoyed finding the twigs, leaves and conkers and that made the picture even more special.

The background was created from rolls of craft paper fastened to the wall using drawing pins. I tried to glue the sticks to the wall, but gave in after holding the twigs for several minutes and noticing that the glue said to hold for 30 minutes. I instead used a staple gun to fasten them to the wall. The leaves etc. were glued to the wall by Amelia.

Making the picture was great fun and it's educational too.

Arts and Crafts