Sometimes children may need a little encouragement to do something on a regular basis. They can be used to encourage kids to keep their bedroom tidy, as a reward for working hard at school, or even as a reward for healthy eating (eg. NHS Change 4 Life programme).
We have used them in the past which came from a high-street store, but when I tried looking recently I was unable to find them anywhere. I've since found some online but I had instead made my own.
I've created two different colour versions (but the original source file is included if you want to change to the colour scheme of your choice). The charts can be printed on a home printer and then just add star stickers from a local stationary store.
The chart was created using which is free and includes a graphics draw application. This will also work well with LibreOffice (which is currently available as more recent release - again completely free!).
You could even use the file to create a personalised one for your child using a favourite photo or clipart.