St John Ambulance has unveiled a new campaign to shock people into learning first aid.
The adverts feature child-like dolls in situations requiring first aid. These include a dull face down in water, a doll having fallen down a flight of stairs, and a doll with its hand trapped in a door. The adverts have a shock value, but highlight the frightening situation that 7 out of 10 people wouldn't know what to do, or would not be able to competently deal with the situation.
As a parent, any of these potential situations would be frightening, but at least with First Aid training I would know what to do. I would recommend every parent, guardian, or occasional baby-sitter to learn first aid on a proper course, such as the community courses run by St John Ambulance.
See the following links:
St John Ambulance. Don't leave it 'til you need it. Launch of the Community First Aid courses.
St John Ambulance. Courses for the General Public.
St John Ambulance First Aid Advice.
What would you do? Test your First Aid Knowledge at The First Aid Quiz website.