Days out diary - child friendly and family activities

Family days out Baby Elephant at Twycross Zoo Family days out Wookey Hole Cave Family days out Disneyland Paris, France Family days out Avoncroft building museum Family days out Magna Science and Technology Centre Family days out UK holidays Family days out childrens farm

Christmas message 2012

Christmas snowman craft pictureAs always I'm looking forward to Christmas. Hoping that Santa will leave a new camera in my stocking, but more importantly looking forward to having some time with my loving family. In keeping with the spirit of giving I also use it as a time to think of others that are not so fortunate, and give a donation to a worthy charity each year, hopefully making life a little better for others.

Whilst I have been trying to use a different charity each year this year I have decided to give a donation to Barnardo's which I also chose last year. Last year I had been inspired by young carers for whom childhood is about responsibility and caring for others, but this year particularly inspired by the Life story campaign giving an example life story of a child who escaped domestic abuse. I could also have chosen the NSPCC that does a lot of work for children in similar situations, but I already support the NSPCC through monthly GAYE (Give as you earn) contributions and each Christmas through their excellent Letters from Santa; Barnardo's is a good charity and whilst it helps all year round is a particularly appropriate to this time of year.

The picture shown is our giant Christmas Craft Picture that our children have created this year.

I with everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!