Days out diary - child friendly and family activities

Family days out Baby Elephant at Twycross Zoo Family days out Magna Science and Technology Centre Family days out UK self catering holidays Family days out Swing ride at The Big Sheep Family days out Lake district cruise on Lake Windermere Family days out rowing boats on Derwent Water Family days out UK holidays

Happy New Year - 2007

I'd just like to wish all our visitors a Happy New Year from:

The Year In Review

This year has been quite eventful for me, my family and the web sites.

At Home

Our daughter celebrated her first birthday, and started nursery school.

I've changed jobs, though still at the same company. My wife has taken a permanent job with the NHS.

Our house is up for sale.


The blog has nearly 350 entries in total. In the last year I've added a new page with information for Children and Babies.

Most recently a children and babies toys and games section has been added, as well as updates to the section on taking babies and children on holiday.

First Aid Quiz web site

The first aid quiz web site was revamped to coincide with the launch of the new first aid manual.

The First Aid Quiz, Fun and Games web site has now got a new section of First Aid and St. John Ambulance News Stories. This consists of first aid related blog entries from Watkissonline and news stories from the St. John Ambulance web site.

There is also a page providing links to first aid information and training.

Penguin Tutor Linux and LPI web site

My latest web site was launched in May. The site provides Linux Tutorials, Information on LPI (Linux Professional Institute) Certification, GPL Software that I've written including the web perl quiz engine.

Coming up in 2007

At Home

We are hoping to move to Redditch during 2007. I'll write to people whose snail mail addresses I've got, but if any friends would like to send me their email addresses so that I can send an email instead that would be useful.

If we move to Redditch, I will probably change the "Coventry" blog category to the Midlands and start blogging on other areas as well. I'd also like to add some information on facilities available for babies when shopping in the town centres as I sometimes find it hard to find somewhere suitable.

First Aid Quiz

I'd like to add some Flash based interactive games. I've not been able to find time so far, and I'm not sure whether I will be able to get time but I'll see what I can do.

Penguin Tutor Linux and LPIC web site

I'm going to continue adding some more tutorials to the Linux Tutorial Section. I'd also like to add more software to the GPL Open Source Software.

I hope you have a great 2007.