Travelling with a Baby - Caravan holiday to Paris, Disneyland Paris and Paris Disneyland Studios
1 October 2005
It's been about a week since I posted an entry to the blog, quite a bit longer than normal. The reason for this is that we've been on holiday for the past week staying at a Caravan site near paris, and including a day trip to Paris and two days at Disneyland Paris and Paris Disneyland Studios.
This was a bit more of a challenge than usual as we took along our 8 - 9 week old baby daughter. Over the next few days I hope to put together an account of the trip highlighting some of the issues that need to be considered when taking a baby on holiday. I will create these as blog pages, but will link to them from this, or other blog entries.
These should provide some useful information for anyone else looking to travel to these destinations, particularly those with young children / babies, and may also give some pointers for those travelling to other destinations with young children or babies.
The Blog Pages:
Entry updated 4th October 2005 adding part 1